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Heather Jennings
Nov 21, 202115 min read
OTO's touchdown in New Zealand. Soror Egeria's recollections of how we began.
Extracted from I was living in Brisbane Australia in 1978, with 5 other New Zealand women who were...
Tim Paling
Feb 1, 20191 min read
Tight Lips
Silence lingers, waiting. Patient. Unperturbed by our distractions. Empty thoughts beget empty words. Little theories govern Little men....
Cynthia Crosse
Feb 1, 20194 min read
Pleasure vs Happiness
Cynthia Crosse If your life seems short of zing, rest assured, you are not alone. The World Health Organisation has declared depression a...

Cynthia Crosse
Jun 2, 201811 min read
Bernard F. Page
In March 1913, The Tango Song was published in the Equinox Vol I, No 9 within a sketch by Aleister Crowley called, "The Tango." The music...
Cynthia Crosse
Sep 1, 20173 min read
Pause for thought
It was mortifying the first time I bled – a most unwelcome occurrence; something about it felt deathly - and those unthinkable sanitary...

Tim Paling
Sep 1, 20175 min read
Springtime Folly
As Winter fades and Nature stirs, it seems an appropriate time to muse on the Fool, for “The Fool stirs within all of us at the return of...

Cynthia Crosse
May 1, 20167 min read
Meditation & Madness
"Go to a 10 day Vipassana retreat," they told me, "it will be wonderful!" I did. It was the worst 10 days of my life. Vipassana retreats...
Cynthia Crosse
Nov 1, 20151 min read
God names used in the Holy Books of Thelema
An extracted list by Sr OSIS, from "A Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema" by Colin Campbell.

Simon Willis
Aug 1, 20143 min read
First steps...
One of my favourite parts of the Gnostic Mass as a Priest is the first step. This part for me is one of the most profound. First steps...

Tim Paling
Oct 1, 20135 min read
On The Priesthood
The structure of our Order is governmental. Through its initiations we progressively learn to better govern ourselves in accordance with...

Sr Mistra
Oct 1, 20133 min read
A Magical Pilgrimage
Sites Tour through the West Country of England, and Northern Ireland and Eire, on a journey of discovery encompassing many historical...
Tim Paling
Aug 1, 20134 min read
Promulgation and Initiation
As part of a recent lecture on “The Direction of O.T.O. in New Zealand”, I explained how promulgation and initiation are key elements in...
Cynthia Crosse
Aug 1, 20132 min read
Te Wheiao
“Te Wheiao” is a Maori term that describes “a space between the world of darkness and world of light... a transitional or liminal space”...

Cynthia Crosse
Jun 1, 20132 min read
George Bernard Shaw in New Zealand
I was reading a beautifully written wee book recently, published in 1944, “Here’s to Life: The Impressions, Confessions and Garnered...
Tim Paling
Jun 1, 20132 min read
Isopsephy App
Isopsephy is the Greek equivalent of gematria. It is the numerating of words so they can be grouped by value; words that have the same...
Fr Sifr
Jun 1, 20135 min read
On Vibration
Vibration is the procedure, during the performance of ceremonial magick, of visualising and calling key phrases or god names with the...
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