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To become a member of the OTO, you must take the first of a series of initiations.


The OTO’s initiatory structure is Masonic in nature.  Initiations deepen your understanding of yourself and the mysteries of existence.  They are a lens through which you can gain a deeper understanding of life.


Everyone experiences initiation differently, but overall we see a flowering in the people who commit themselves to this work. 


Membership Dues


The OTO is a dues-paying organisation, and fees are payable to cover initiations and administration costs. 


There is no requirement for taking initiation, other than to have a read our core Holy Book, Liber Al vel Legis, so that you have some concept of core philosophy of Thelema. 


The minimum age for joining is 18. 

Before joining, we encourage you to meet us and come to a few events to see if Thelema is for you.


* For PI & KEW, for KRE, and for GIC and PRS, no dues are payable at the time of initiation, whether it is on the same day or months later.  The dues are gathered at the same renewal date and amount as the previous degree (i.e. IVth, Vth and VIth respectively).  So, for example, a member who is P.I. pays annual dues of $168 on the anniversary of when they took their IVth degree. 

Love is the law, love under will.

Logo of the OTO

©2020 The Ordo Templi Orientis New Zealand Trust.  Registration No. CC33051.

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